Thursday, December 30, 2010


there's being friendly
and there's being too friendly

lesson of the day.

Thursday, December 23, 2010



Friday, December 10, 2010


It's not the first time
and it hurts me whenever you do so
but i guess this is just how it is

it's just how it is.

please give me a miracle and help me overcome everything once i'm back.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

paper crane.

it's been a while since i think about it
i needed to take my plane ticket out from my important papers folder today
and that's how i came across "IT"
4 pages filled with memories
it's pretty darn funny
i'd have to say
i don't regret it
thanks for showing me a side of me that i've never seen before
oh god
too funny.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


today someone told me to eat a good meal to reward myself for finishing a final
instead i cooked dumplings for myself and ate them while organizing TASA Snowboarding Trip's paperwork.

now in the middle of the night
i started to pack a little bit for Taiwan
suddenly, i just had the urge to just sit and relax
so i put the packing on paused
took my laptop to the living room
boiled some water
opened a pack of face mask
then found a movie for me to watch
just like that
I have created a little spa treatment for myself along with a movie and a cup of hot cocoa

how's that for a reward? :)

i am happy.

Friday, December 3, 2010


"It's led to believe that someone has appealing traits (such as being honest, humorous and polite), people perceive the person as more physically attractive"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


You say I don't know to love you baby
Well I say show me the way
I keep my feelings deep inside I
Shadow them with my pride eye
I'm trying desperately baby just work with me

Teach me how to love
Show me the way to surrender my heart, boy I'm so lost
Teach me how to love
How I can get my emotions involved
Teach me, show me how to love

I was always taught to be strong
never let them think you care at all
Let no one get close to me
Before you and me
I didn't shared things with you boy about my past
That I'd never tell to anyone else
Just keep it to myself
Now I know I lack affection and expressing my feelings
It took me a minute to come and admit this but
See I'm really trying to change now
Wanna love you better
please show me how because
I'm tryin desperately

I really do think i just need someone to teach me how to love
or meet someone that's willing to slow down a few steps to guide me through this so called "new thing" for me
i am darn frustrated with myself because I lack so much knowledge in this field

i don't really know what's wrong with me to be honest
maybe it was something that i've never put into thoughts before
and as time goes on, it was just left aside and therefore never practiced

but with all that aside
i am just extremely glad that i have friends like you to talk to
Thank you :) that email made my day <3
even though i don't know how to love, or it might just be not knowing what is considered as love
i do know how to appreciate/treasure friends

i will get there soon >:)